This is a basic photo collage app/program. It works fairly well with iPhoto. I have not used all of the options, yet, such as the shuffle option or the add text option, and the only collage option I have used is the grid pattern. A plus is that you are not locked into a specific grid pattern you can add or subtract collumns and rows, but if you have your photos in the grid and want to change the pattern, then you have to hit undo until the photos are unloaded from the grid.
I gave this app 3 stars for several reasons: first of all you have to go online to get some help, but its really pretty self-explanitory. Not all of the options listed are available in the free version, such as rotate, raise, lower, resize, etc… But the thing that really bugs me is I can’t tell what size it is going to print until I try to print it, there doesn’t seem to be any way to change the page size. The paper size gives you options like 800x800(1:1) or 1200x1600(3:4), which means absolutly nothing to me. It could be pixels per inch, or DPI, or something else for that matter, it doesn’t tell you - not even on the help page. I would assume that the (1:1) part of it is a ratio of some sort, but even that isn’t clear; and even if you choose a different option than the default size, it doesn’t change the image quality or the size of the photos or paper size. If you don’t care about any of that, then it works just fine. I think the free version still needs a great deal of work.
MD Violets about Photo Collage Maker - CollageFactory Free